Frame of Mind

After much thought and deliberation I have decided on the subject matter for Literary Links. As the seminar is titled “Textualities: Text, Technology and Digital Cultures” and it is described to ‘introduce students to a range of critical concepts concerning the text and new media’, I have decided to keep within the ethos of the seminar and record something of personal interest to me. For the next couple of weeks I am going to review and deliver my interpretation of theater productions. These will range from productions done by University College Cork’s own student drama society, as well as professional production companies that will perform in Cork on  tour. The dramas will range from pieces which I am familiar with, pieces I have not read and finally pieces which are completely original therefore I will have no opportunity to have an insight of what they entail before viewing them,. The reason i have decided to undertake this as my research concept is because I believe the interpretation behind an individual text is quite important. For instance an original piece, written and directed by a fellow UCC student will showcase in the Granary theater next week. I have no prior knowledge of the piece and when I reflect on it and write my interpretation on it, it will be the only virtual text relating to the piece.Ergo my interpretation of the piece will be, for an indefinite amount of time, the only online resource of the drama and the only voice of the piece. I think this concept is very interesting and one I am looking forward to investigating over the coming weeks. In each ‘review’ I will take in to account how the director has described the piece on the UCC Granary Theatre website and take their interpreation/synopsis in to account. Thus in keeping with the title of this blog, I shall be the the literary link between stage and computer screen. The work begins now.

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